Preparation equipment
“SibMashPolymer” Ltd. designs, manufactures and supplies equipment for mining-and-processing, chemical, metallurgical and other industry sectors.
Preparation equipment is manufactured in line with specific requests of our Customers.
We use high-quality raw materials from the leading producers in Russia and Europe to manufacture preparation equipment:
- Polypropylene (PP-H, PP-R, PP-C, PPs, PPs-el)
- Polyethylene (PE 100, PE 100 RC, PE-el)
- Polyvinylchloride (PVC-U, PVC-MZ, PVC-C)
- Fluoroplastic (PVDF and ECTFE)
- Corrosion-resistant steels
Electrolysis baths
Electrolysis baths are used for electrolysis, electrochemical and chemical treatment of precious and non-ferrous metals: copper, zinc, manganese, lead, etc., electrolysis.
Electrolysis baths are designed in estimating-analytical, CAD programs: design engineering, selecting material, its configuration, thickness, etc.
Completeness of electrolysis baths is determined together with the Customer drafting a technical-and-commercial proposal.
Possible options for manufacturing electrolysis baths:
Acid treatment columns
Acid treatment columns (sorption columns) are used to extract (lixiviating) gold and silver from ore products, based on coal-sorption production technology.
Columns are designed in estimating-analytical, CAD programs on dimensions (drawings, sketches, technical specifications) given by the Customer.
Columns designs and completeness are determined together with the Customer drafting a technical-and-commercial proposal.
Possible options for column manufacturing:

Nutsche-filters are aimed to filer solutions at decreased pressure.
Nutsche-filters are made from polypropylene based on dimensions (drawings, sketches, technical specifications) given by the Customer.
Nutsche-filters are stocked with: grid; ring seal; net; cover if necessary.
Possible options for Nutsche-filters manufacturing:

Settler-thickeners are manufactured based on the dimensions (drawings, sketches, technical specifications) given by the Customer..
Design and completeness of settler-thickeners are determined together with the Customer drafting a technical-and-commercial proposal.
Possible options for manufacturing settler-thickeners:
Centriclones, catchalls, deslimers
Centriclones, catchalls, deslimers are based on the dimensions (drawings, sketches, technical specifications) given by the Customer..Their design and completeness are determined together with the Customer drafting a technical-and-commercial proposal.
Our equipment fully meets the technical requirements set by the Customer.